

What is That in your Purse??

Does the contents in your purse say anything about you??  Who you are???  What you believe??  You values or lack thereof?

I once heard the best way to get to know someone is to go through their purse?

Isn't that illegal in most states??
Wouldn't you feel like a stalker or worst you just might enjoy it????

I decided to "dump" my purse & see if I could see the connection my purse has to my inter workings..  Wouldn't it be grand if it was this easy... ????
I really didn't solve any mysteries, but I concur that I am a little obsessed on having everything in some sort of container or bag to keep it separated from everything else..
It looks that I adore my "lip" gloss & have my music close at hand if I need to throw the skullcandy's in to drowned out the sound of pre-teens texting... It is also very obvious that I love color, maybe a little 60's vibe is going down. So, can you indeed know someone by the contents of their purse??? I am not a trained psychiatrist, although I do play one at home. I think you can get a feel for someones style & maybe their lot in life, but for the deep down crazy, or sanity barometer we should leave that to someone like Oprah, Dr. Phil, Mr Oz & maybe even Heraldo.

As for me, I am very happy I had the chance to Clean-out-my-Purse...