Family Project 101..
This year our "SPRING CLEANING" has gone from polishing baseboards with a toothbrush to the insane. We started work on the cold lonely basement.
We hired Noel & his amazing team who had the sheet rock up in 7 days.

After the "rock" my favorite part...

I thought Brent deserved a Man Cave with a hint of Family Theater room along side a Laundry, Art & Powder room. My initial inspiration came from a beautiful room I saw all in monocromatic SILVER patina. Heavy silver curtains & yummie-ness everywhere you look.
Lots of helping hands on this venture. I never imagined how fast a room can be painted when I am not the only one with a paint brush..
~Brent starting at the top of Stairs~

~What do you think now~ ?
I had a crazy idea to Stain the Cement instead of tile. This process became a nightmare from the start. When you think about it, how hard can it be to stain 1000 sq feet of cement.. Easy right??? Not!! This process pushed our patience to the end. It seems so easy I didnt do much if any reserch on it. After we got into it, I started reading and watching tutorials & found out we were not alone, this simple idea was nothing short of putting your baby toe into
H - E double -toothpicks..
Cement Before
and After

What do you think about the Chocolate baseboards?? I am going to paint the French doors the same color..
As many of you know I am in the search of my very own ART room.. What do you think about this???
I wanted this room for all my Paints, Brushes, Canvas's, Ribbons, Paper but little mini-teen daughter of mine is going to take it over. More updates to come on how & what I do to convert her room into my little slice of heaven..
The Man Cave is next..
Updates to come